Maranatha SDA Christian School

Developing Leaders Today Who Will Walk With Jesus Into Eternity

Student's Relationship to School and Teacher

Attendance Policy 

All students enrolled in the Maranatha S.D.A. Christian School are expected to be punctual and regular in attendance. Attendance will be reviewed on a regular basis with the school board. Any concerns will be addressed by the board and teacher with the parents. Continued concerns can result in disciplinary actions. 

School Day 

The school day will run from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. on Monday – Thursday’s.  Friday's will generally not have school.  When there is a Friday school day scheduled, school will run from 8:15 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.  Occasionally, due to parent-teacher conferences, grade preparation, professional development days, or days prior to school vacation, dismissal time will be at 12:15 p.m. See school calendar for dates when this will occur. 

Arrival and Departure 

Students should arrive on the school grounds no more than 15 minutes before school begins. School children are required to be in their seats immediately upon arrival until the start of school and after school until parents pick them up. 

Parents are encouraged to pick up their children promptly and must pick them up within one-half hour after dismissal. 

Any earlier arrivals or later departures must be prearranged with the teacher. 

Students will not be allowed to leave early during the school day without written permission from parents. Students are not permitted to leave by unaccustomed routes without parent’s written consent or a telephone call. Parents are requested to make a written list of those they plan to have transport their students during the school year to help assist the teacher in a timely, and safe dismissal of students. 


Valid reasons for absences include illness of the student; medical, dental, or eye doctor appointments; bereavement; or board-approved, church-related activities. All absences must have a written note from the parent or doctor before the absence can be considered excused. Any excuse for absences other than those listed above will be considered un-excused absences. 

Make-up Work 

All make-up work following approved absences will be allowed one-day make-up time for each day absent. If not completed on time, a failing grade can be issued. Parents must not expect teachers to assist students in making up delinquent work due to absences that are not considered excused. It is the responsibility of the student or parent/guardian to obtain any assignments which are missed, and to arrange for any make-up work, labs, or tests. 


A student is tardy if he is not in his seat when it is time for the opening of school. A distinction will be made between occasional tardiness and repeated tardiness. If she/he is tardy repeatedly, the school board will be informed and will confer with the parents in an effort to correct this irregularity. Students and parents must realize that a tardiness of even a few moments causes an interruption which deprives those promptly present to lose valuable time. Therefore, repeated tardiness will be treated as a serious infringement upon the rights of others. Tardiness is a part of attendance, and as such, will be reviewed on a regular basis with the school board. Any concerns will be addressed by the board and teacher with the parents. Continued concerns can result in disciplinary actions. While all habitual unexcused tardies are a concern, unexcused habitual tardiness equal to, or in excess of, 30 minutes can have a greater impact on the decisions for disciplinary actions and future enrollment.


Students who are not well enough to join and participate in all the normal school activities should be kept at home. If your child is ill, please do not send him/her to school. No child with an infectious or contagious disease is to be allowed to remain in school. If the child becomes ill at school, it is the parent’s responsibility to find a way to transport the child home; this is not the teacher’s responsibility.  Any student with a temperature over 100*F will be sent home.  Students should have their temperatures naturally staying below 100*F (without use of medications) for at least 24 hours before returning to the classroom.

School Closing Due to Weather 

School closing announcements will be given via use of text message to the parents, on the school Facebook, and as possible, use of local media when appropriate.  Examples of local media can include the WOCO-Oconto Radio Station 107.1 FM, and Green Bay Television stations (channels to be announced), and when possible will be called in by 7:00 am.

Field Trips 

Field Trips constitute a school day and participation is required. Any request to the contrary should be made to the teacher one week in advance of the planned activity. Students should remember that field trips are a privilege; therefore, the administration reserves the right to withhold this privilege from any student who shows by his conduct that he/she is not worthy of it. Field Trips are educational in nature and enhance the curriculum. They are pre-approved by the school board. 

School Functions 

As part of the total school program and curriculum, students are expected to participate in all school functions. These include, but are not limited to, the following: holiday programs, church programs in which the students are involved, outreach activities, science fair, education fair, open house, fundraisers, and graduation. This may involve any day of the week and potentially some evenings. Participation points are part of class requirements and involvement, or the lack thereof, and will affect overall grades.